Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Audible Elegance of Cincinnati is pleased to announce the addition of our first Magnepan Bass Panel. We have started to break in this unit and it should be ready for your listening pleasure shortly.

We have also added the Aerial Model 7T loudspeakers which are quickly reaching their completion of burn-in.

In addition, we have added the Naim S400 loudspeakers and they have proven to be quite stunning right from the box. They are burning in as well.

All are welcome to give them a listen.
Hi to all my Cincinnati audio buddies I have changed a few things in my system. I have a new to me lightly used Dynavector cartridge XX2 MK2 . I also sold my Audible Illusions pre amp and replaced it with a lightly used Aesthetix Rhea phono stage thanks Scott. I now have a passive pre amp the Warpspeed optocoupler this thing is beautiful and sounds great. The power amp was replaced a few months back with a NAT SE2SE a SET with 211 tubes and 70 watts a channel . I guess you can see a lot of changes in my system the last few months . I still have a few tubes i want to try in the Rhea but for now just enjoying the sound a lot. I am going to mount the new cartridge this weekend now using a dynavector 17D MK2 but that will be my backup along with my old Benz Ruby . The Ruby will be sent to soundsmith for a rebuild soon maybe a spare arm tube for my Graham so I can switch cartridges without much work. I guess about the only things I did not change is cables , speakers ,arm and turntable and no plans to change them now ! i just want to enjoy the music now the Warpspeed is awesome a passive just works in my system .The Audible Illusions served me well for 18 years but now i see it was holding me back and the power amp with 70 watts is letting my speakers sing like never before.The Lukachek T9 phono pre I had was and is a good phono pre but the Rhea is great brings me much closer to the music. The computer music is getting a lot less use now but fine for back round music when doing other things or for music i don't have on vinyl . Well thats all for now just need more time to play records. I wish to thank Scott , Ed and Tom for input on the changes and setup and letting me try some of there eq in my system.
Audible Elegance is now pleased to announce the addition of JL Audio to our offerings. The first unit to arrive will be the Model 110. It will be available for audtion in less than a week so stay tuned!
Audible Elegance of Cincinnati is pleased to announce the arrival of the Naim Audio ND-5XS. With an ND5 XS you can stream audio from a UPnP™ server, discover internet radio, connect your iPod, iPhone, iPad or USB storage, and even listen to conventional digital audio sources. Simply connect the ND5 XS to your home network, plug it in to a spare amplifier input, and the new world of streamed audio is yours. It is available for your listening pleasure.
Greetings Fellow Cincy area audiophiles,
Looking for other 'goners for a music listening session soon. I live in Northern part of Cincinnati (near Lebanon, Oh) and would like to host a small group people to listen to music, get feedback on my system, which comprises Eggleston Andras, Spectral amplification, high end MIT cables, a PS Audio Perfect Wave transport and matching DAC via HDMI, and Chang Lightspeed and Townshend audio seismic sinks, as well as Kimber Powerkords. A pair of Proac response 2.5 sit dormant until I decide to sell them. Room is the biggest issue. The Andras may be too much for them!
Let me know by responding to this post, I am available on weekdays during the day but could also arrange weekend evening get together as well. BTW, I make a mean cup of coffee or espresso based drinks. Cheers and happy listening, Tim