Does anyone have experience with noise reduction ?

Category: Accessories

I live part time off the grid. My power source is from a 800 Ah battery bank 48 v. converted to 120v true sine wave with a Trace 4048.I tried an Audio Magic Stealth filter without success. The buzz in the line creates a constantly noisey background that dosen't cause fatigue but can be irritating if one dwells on it.Any suggestions? This is a common problem and is not RFI.Thanks
I know you have likely already done this, but is it possible that there is a loose connection somewhere in the system? Would another trip around the system re-tightening all connections of every type make any sense?
You don't by any chance have you audio system touching your video system, do you? Even if your tv is plugged into the same circuit as you audio, you can pick up a ground loop hum. I had a similar problem and it drove me nuts, I tried running dedicated lines, all sorts of power filters, but it wasn't until I put a MIT Iso-LinQ on my incoming cable line that the problem disappeared.
You could also lift the ground on one piece of equipment at a time until you find the offending component.

Good luck,
as john stated it is a video problem of some kind.first thing to do is check the cable coming into your house.9 out of ten times thats what it is. go to radio shack and buy yourself a ground filter its only 2 bucks.believe me after installing my very expensive system,which hummmed like crazy it was embarrasing to find out that a 2 dollar filter from radio shack cured it.check the cable and vcr and t.v.!!!

good luck harry
Hi and thanks for the replies.
The source of the noise is from the inverter. What I am looking for is someone who has had success with eliminating it with a line filter. Trace states this is normal ie live with it. We can even hear it in the phone line yet I am told it is not RFI. When charging with generator noise is gone( not on inverter power only generator with batteries charging).
All grounds are to Earth Gounding rods. Wire is tight and secure.I am not on cable( nearest cable or power is 10 miles away). The video,computers etc are isolated and switched out of system when not in use. Thier are no motors or compressors on line( no ac/heat refridge is propane).
While this noise is livable as to my original complaint never a black floor to my system.
Tubes do not react the same as SS but noise is still present.
Does the Radio Shack gound filter work on AC or is it for cable only. I do not recieve TV signal wear I am located and use an outdoor 200 mile range antenna for FM. It is grounded to Earth on a separate rod from the house as a precaution from lightning strikes.

I look forward to hearing more ideas.
"It is grounded to Earth on a seperate rod from the house as a precaution from lighting strike"

If your ground rods are not tied together, you may have created a ground loop. The two different grounds will have slightly different potentials and will oscilate between each other causing the hum or ground loop.

You might try disconnecting the FM section of your set up and see if the hum goes away.
