Blu Ray Plyr for Two-Channel Stereo RCA Outputs ?

Luddite here w/ a two-channel analogue stereo system that I've built up over many years, and I'm looking for a blu-ray player w/ rca outputs. From what I've read here on the HT forum, the Oppo BDP 103 looks like a good choice, but I have a question. Will the "7.1" RCA outputs allow for a two-channel RCA hookup to my pre-amp? For what it's worth, the pre is a Eastern Electric Minimax.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks very much, Bill. I found the manual and went to the pages you suggested. Much obliged.
I think OP's analog via RCA requirement suggests an Oppo 105 or a used 95. It is the superior analog section that distinguishes the 105 or 95 from the 103. The 105 and 95 have specific balanced and unbalanced stereo output.

I use HDMI from a 105D to a Bryston SP3 prepro in one setup, and balanced analog from a 105 directly to the amp in a secondary setup. The sound with either setup is excellent, but a bit different, because the primary setup uses Parasound JC 1 mono blocks to KEF Reference 107/2s, the secondary an A 21 stereo amp to KEF LS50s.


I'm sure you're right that my "analog via RCA requirement suggests and Oppo 105 or 95," but alas, my budget suggests something less expensive. ;)
I use a Panasonic DMP-BDT500 in a 2 channel analogue system. It has been replaced by the DMP-BDT 460.

I got this player specifically to listen to blu ray audio discs and have not been disappointed. I use a separate CD player for CDs.


Do it right the first time. I would just say wait a little and save your money and when feasible buy the BDP-105. I use it as my "analog CD player" into my system. Great sounding unit.