It Was 40 Years Ago Today...

Born To Run, released this day:

August 25, 1975

And the world saw the future of Rock & Roll, and his name was Bruce Springsteen.
Bdp24, you said Bob Dylan hired Robbie Robertson for the Highway 61 recording. I said, no Robertson was hired for the tour and it was Mike Bloomfield on the album. You then said Robertson had already appeared on "Bringing It All Back Home" and that both Robertson and Bloomfield played together with Bloomfield on piano. I'm not clear what recordings you are referring to.

Everything I've ever read says Robertson does not appear on the original "Highway 61 Revisted" album. Also he is not listed in the credits of the "Bringing It All Back Home" album. Did he record under an alias? Can you tell me what Dylan tracks both Robertson and Bloomfield appeared together on?

The first Electric Flag album is one of the greatest recordings from that time.

And yes, this is totally off topic.
In an attempt to get things directed a bit more on topic...

@Bdp24: Dylan's cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday" is certainly more redeeming than Springsteen's rendition...

I agree with you 100 percent! I grew up in Detroit and saw J.geils band many times in the 70's. I have seen a lot of the greats Stones, Zeppelin, the Who, etc, etc. By far Peter Wolf was the greatest front man I have ever seen. It has been over 35 years since I have seen that band and I can remember it like it was yesterday. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. The sad thing to me is the band was way underrated and the majority of people don't know who they are. Thank god for those experiences. I will take those to my grave.
Regarding the first two posters.. I think that comparing BS of years ago to BS of date in reference to how we receive his music isn't a fair comparison. Years ago, when music was king, is different to how music is now. I believe BS has risen to the challenge and shown he can still rise to the challenge. His music is still relevant. The difference is, other new artists along with the different times we are in, all affect our notion of what music should be.

Andrew9405: Yes, sadly, most threads go "off course" the longer they survive.