Koetsu cartridges - what arms work?

Hello. I wonder if there are arms that Koetsu cartridges are particularly synergistic with?

Any insight would certainly be appreciated.

I have Koetsu Urushi Blue on Graham Phantom Supreme II 10" arm, and it is beautiful. Very quiet, tracks great and the sound is sublime.
(it is on the new Hanss T-60 TT)
Hanss is a very good table, especially for the price
Very solid and musical performer
Hi Lewm;HFN&RR July 2013 vol58 No07 Review of Koetsu Urushi Sky Blue. Evaluated by Ken Kessler in a SME Series 5 and compared with a Koetsu Blue Onyx & Gold Onyx. The compliance measured 13/13 vertical/lateral; mechanism very symmetrically balanced and ideally suited to medium/heavy tonearms. I have noted Maril555 entry where he uses a Graham Phantom Supreme 11 10" arm with a Urushi blue and he is very pleased with the performance of this combo on his turntable. The turntable/arm interface is very important. A review of the EAT E-Go 12" arm in HFN&RR April 2013, based on the current Phantom 11 Supreme has a measured effective mass of 13g both vertical/lateral; cartridge weight range 5-20g/ compliance range 8-20cu. Measurements by Paul Miller.
Fellow enthusiasts; Re: Koetsu Urushi compliance spec 5x 10-6cm/dyne;this is relative to 100hz; the compliance spec as quoted by a Koetsu Dealer in USA is 10x10-6cm/dyne relative to 10hz.Clearly low compliance. This is a dynamic spec of compliance, definitely not static compliance which is much higher.This latter compliance spec is what should be used when calculating arm/cartridge resonance figures from the available tables. The SME& ORTOFON sites provide excellent info on the relationship of cartridge compliance/arm effective mass and other important factors which relate to performance. The Koetsu Urushi Black cartridge( I have 2) in both my rigs (refer to my entry 07-26-15 for details) DEFINITELY do not sound soft; superb solid, well defined bass, no muddle and excellent differentiation ;wide open midband, excellent depth perspective, beautifully clear detailed trebles,excellent tracking and very dynamic and yes the midrange magic. The Koetsu Urushi is a superb cartridge when properly set up in a well designed med mass or higher mass arm mounted on an appropriate turntable interface.