Are Devore super 8s a lot better than the 8s?

I am starting a new system and starting with speakers. I am considering the Devore model 8. There are a couple of sets used on Audiogon now. Should I save up more money and wait for a set of super 8s? I am not is a big hurry and just wondering if there is a big difference between the two. Anyone hear both and have some comparisons?
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Tonal quality up and down the scale. Notes with my Gibbon 8s always seemed a bit lean. I listen to a lot of acoustic jazz and I found that sax and cymbals were a bit brash to my ears. Also, the bass never was quite as present as with the the Super 8s or Nines. Again, I'm not bashing the Gibbons, but I just don't think they stack up to the others.

The 3XLs are amazing little speakers, too -but sound much different than the Nines and the Super 8s. The later have a more "woody" feel like you're listening an acoustic instrument, the 3XL's have a cleaner sound.

I wrestled between all three. Since the 3XL's would've required a sub to help on the low end, it became a horse race between the Super8s and the Nines. In the end, I spoiled myself with the Nines.
Thanks for all the input. I think I will wait and see if a set of super 8s show up used.