I have been playing with a new system. I was driving my speakers with a MingDa MC 34 AB tube amp (75 wt/ch ultralinear 40wt/ch triode) which is powered with 8 EL 34 tubes. It can be used as an integrated amp, and when I used it as such, it was DEAD quiet.
I decided to make a good thing better, and just got the matching MingDa MC 2A3X preamp to go with it. The speaker hum when both are powered up is awful...not that very low level stuff you sometimes get with an amp/preamp set up...but loud enough to hear during quiet passages of musical pieces.
I have been tormented in the past with trying to eliminate speaker hum...any help out there for this system??
Thanks so much
Have you ruled out bad tube on the preamp (or simply a defective unit)? Also, are the amp and preamp both plugged in the same power conditioner or separate outlets?
Although it is a bit technical, the following paper provides some good background on system-level causes of hum (as opposed to hum that is introduced within a particular component, which is definitely also a possibility here, as Millicurie suggested):


-- Al
To Millicurie

I substituted a small Tono preamp for the big Ming Da...result was LESS hum (and higher frequency)...but still some hum. I am not sure what that tells us.
IIRC, plugging the amp and pre to separate lines is a very good (BAD) way to induce a ground loop. However, since my electrical skills/knowledge are slim, I could easily be wrong. However, its an easy experiment to try them on the same duplex.