Best Used Floorstanders for Rock & HT under $2100?

I already own a pair of Quad ESL63s which are great for listening to classical, chamber and acoustic music, but I also enjoy listening to classic rock and need a speaker with some clear, clean, fast, accurate thump in the lower end to listen to classic rock on. The speakers will also double as the front end of my home theater system. I have a fairly large listening room. I will be using a subwoofer for home theater, but prefer not to have to use one when listening to to 2 channel stereo. Would appreciate any advice on speakers I could purchase for these purposes. Would be great if they are presently or frequently for sale here on the Gon. Thanks.

i like the Klipsch suggestion above, and would also add Definitive Technology SC7000's as well. They rock hard, have built in subs, don't need too much power due to the powered built in subs. Both are great choices.
Great suggestions so far. Has any body got any input on the following speakers for sale right now on the Gon? In particular with an eye towards my needs for home theater and classic rock?

-Tyler Acoustics Ref III $2000

-Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Supertowers $1500

-Legacy Audio Classics $1500


-Alon Model Is $690

_Alon Model II Time Aligned $550

-Dynaudio Contour T2.5 $1950

-NHT 2.9 $800

-PSB Image 6T


I have been pleased with the fact and accurate bass from my Von Schweikert VR4 JR speakers. When listening to music I do not find a need to use a subwoofer. For best bass response each bass module should be loaded with >25 lbs. of metal shot. I purchased a used pair for under $2000.
PSB Stratus Gold.

You'll need a fairly high-powered amp to get to best out of its bass, but once you get an amp that pairs well with the Gold's, it fits your bill perfectly.
