coincident speakers do you have troubadors

Finally buying a pair of coincident troubadors but am looking for anyone who has them and also troubass. If you have or have had I have a few questions as I can't seem to find anyone selling troubass so looking for suggestions on something that will complete the sound of the troubadors as well or better than troubass speakers. Thanks for your help
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Ditto. Never had any interaction w Mr. Blume, but the others have been very generous to me personally w their time and knowledge. If I had to guess, there is a complicated "back story" going on here. Not sure I want to tune in any further.

I stated that I would not indulge you with any more correspondence but here it is and it will definitely be my last.

I feel no need to defend myself. The Coincident history of providing the finest value components and the thousands of positive transactions with buyers speak for themselves. The fact that you, someone I do not know from a hole in the wall, and one who means even less than that to me, dislikes me, causes me not even a second thought. What does mean a great deal to me, is the plethora of emails and phone calls from hundreds of satisfied and appreciative customers expressing how their musical enjoyment has been enhanced by their Coincident purchase and experience.

You seem unduly concerned with how Coincident is operated. Again what is most significant is that sales from our inception in 1994 has increased EVERY single year including the last one, the worst year of recession in memory. Coincident has never had to use the lending facilities of any bank or credit establishment and our cash reserves are at an all time high. We must be doing something right.

As for your personal attacks on me through the use of innuendo and hearsay, they reveal more about you than it does me. Perhaps your intended purpose of creating some doubt about my personal integrity will be successful, but those who know better will dismiss you and your tactics.

Israel Blume
You have attacked Mr. Blume both personally and professionally in this thread.You have used third party hearsay as evidence of your position ('received dosens of emails' or 'seriously screwed some of my friends').This evidence to support your position would be tossed out in a court of law.Strange how all these people who correspond with you are absent in defending your position in this thread.
The thing is YOU ARE ABOUT TO LAUNCH A PRODUCT THAT DIRECTLY COMPETES WITH Coincident and peronally attacked the designer.That is your agenda.I have seen some of your threads on Audiogon, but this is the first time I found out you were manufacturing your own stuff.
You sound very petty and jealous of him because he creates such well regarded amps and speakers .That is the bottom line IMO.
Time to move on. This thread is making you look bad.
Something is strange here !

I have corresponded with Trelja on occassion , both on this forum and off , and found his comments quite helpful . I have also gained knowledge from his comments to others on various subjects . At times I have asked him about the negative aspects of some equipment , he has not replied with a comment . In another thread he spoke of his disassociation with a Chinese amp manufacturer , a real chance to tear them a new one ! Again he did not ! I have always found Trelja to be a kind , upstanding and informative contributor to these forums and quite the statesman !

I am not trying to defend Trelja or impune Mr. Blume . One should read some of Trelja's past posts and judge for themselves as to his character .

Again , quite strange !