coincident speakers do you have troubadors

Finally buying a pair of coincident troubadors but am looking for anyone who has them and also troubass. If you have or have had I have a few questions as I can't seem to find anyone selling troubass so looking for suggestions on something that will complete the sound of the troubadors as well or better than troubass speakers. Thanks for your help
Thanks for your encouragement, Montejay, I appreciate it.

I was involved with Fried before Bud passed away a few years ago, and in my opinion, Bud and I had some really exciting ideas we wanted to move forward with. While the Troubass is sure enough a marketable design, would probably would fill a void in the marketplace, I think that there are other strategies also worthy of a serious look were I going to market it - for example a Line Tunnel (pseudo TL), which I also have in a pair of floorstanders as well as a matching sub can offer superior transient response and articulation of the notes without adding additional strain on amplification. Also, another pair of subs I have which feature a sealed box with on-board power (Class A/B amplification) using a more recent Peerless subwoofer driver design are also worthy and interesting in that the matching sat I have with true TL and series crossover presents probably the finest combination of musicality, imaging, and ease on the partnering amplifier I have encountered, and allows me to run very low power tubes without issue or compromise.

But, upon reflection, I think that North American companies are underrepresented in terms of electronics, as opposed to loudspeakers. So, now I'm about to launch a line of amplification with our partner, AtmaSphere.
Good luck on your launch of your own products, but as a manufacturer,you're bias and thus shouldn't use this forum to criticize other manufacturers.
All your posts now make more sense. Since you are a manufacturer, you should be posting that from the start. You do have a hidden agenda. I don't think Ralph at atma-sphere would approve of your tasteless posts and bashing of anothers reputation since Ralph is probably the classiest guy in the business with a top notch reputation for great customer service and awesome products. I also believe Israel uses atma-sphere to voice some of his speakers, so it would be bad business to bash him like you are. I am glad that people are behind Israel and I am glad people think you are out of line.
Not only is it totally classless for any manufacturer to comment negatively about any competing product in a public forum, to do so covertly and under the guise of being an objective audiophile with no vested interest, falls under the category of fraud or at a minimum devoid of ethics.

Israel Blume
I'd like to say that I am also a very happy customer.I had some hiccups along the way and Israel dealt with them very quickly and professionally!
