6922 tube selection

Time to retube the C-J pre amp and amp. Looking at Genalex Gold Lion tubes at $46.00 each vs Electro Harmonix at $26.00 each. Need a total of 7 tubes. (4 for pre amp and 3 for amp). Any reason to spend the extra money on the Gold Lions? And, any need to spend the extra $5.00 per tube for matching? Thanks for the feedback!
"Call Andy ASAP for the only honest tube guy."

Really? There's only one honest tube guy on the whole planet?
I agree with Marco1 regarding the Siemens made/Telefunken branded 7DJ8/PCC88 at Upscale. Admittedly more expensive than what you're looking at but when I used them in my Premier 16LS2 and Premier 140 they were about as good as you could get without spending way more money and even then, not sure if the uber expensive varieties were really worth it in comparison.
I use 7dj8's from Kevin @Upscale in my TTVJ phono stage. Matushita or Phillips.
My point is I've dealt with a couple of guys who were honest and did not sell me junk.