Vandie 1c or Maggie MMG?

Small room (10 x 10), mainly mid-60s to mid-70s rock with Exposure 2010S integrated amp. Thoughts please.
I agree with Bondmanp that upgrading with the VS line does require the appropriate room and willingness to place the speakers optimally within it. I found the VS 3As needed 5 feet from the back wall to sound their best, not always easy without a dedicated listening room. I think the 1Cs are not speakers for life, they are a very good start, and in some rooms, like this one, maybe ideally suited.
I've had both and have to say, even in a "smallish" room the tonal quality and musicality of the Mag's are far superior. The vandy's tended to get a bit "shouty" at times and I have never had that problem with the Mag's in the same room with the same equipment.
I've had both and I like the Vandies much better. They have do better all types of music and have a better sound stage. They have a smooth sound with good bass.