Are Dynaudio Contour 2 any good?

I was trying to find any info about Contour 2 and I could not besides the spec on Dyn's web according to which they are extremely inefficient. I wonder if this is their major flaw or there are others. I’m looking for an upgrade for B&W M 802. I love B&Ws midrange and bass but I hope to improve treble. I run them with CJ MF 2500A and speaker efficiency should not be a problem in my set up.
Hi Alex,

The C2 is an incredible speaker, but may not have quite the low end extension of the 802. The midrange is a touch more romantic or friendly to all music and the highs are more smooth and even more extended - more shimery/less harsh than the 802.

If you are within my dealer range I could likely help you and offer auditions in Charlotte, NC. Feel free to contact me at and if I can help with questions or whatever I will.
Do you really mean Contour 2, or do you mean Confidence 2? I have never heard of the Contour 2.
I think selling like Buff's is more appropriate in a private email exchange, not open forums where it stinks of free advertising.
Hi Buff,
I’m in Toronto and NC would be quite a drive for me.
My listening room is not big (24'X8') but it's an open concept and so far from all speakers (Paradigm, Audio physic, Proak) that I tried only B&W M802 S2 did not sound thin. It means that Dynaudio Contour 2 would not work in my room. What about Contour 3.3? Does it have low end extension similar to B&W?