Best way to clean Piano Gloss

High maintenance!..What is the best way to clean, and dust them without scratching them?...

Swiffer Duster?..
Cory Piano High Gloss finish?..
Car wax?

Input please?.....
Here's a 2nd recommendation for Plexus. Originally intended for motorcycle plexiglass surfaces, it does a bang-up job on clearcoat and plastic surfaces. Most local motorcycle stores will carry it. About $10 for an aerosol can that should last you a couple years.

Plexus & a lint free colth works the best. No wax build up, clean & clear with no streaks.
How about the chamois cloth that is lint free at Target?...I saw that vs the really fine microfiber polishing cloth, and some 100% cotton baby diapers cloth too.

Of the three, which ones do you think would attracts more dust and scratch free.

Plexus vs Zaino?...any preference?
