High End Monitors

I am moving my system to a room in my new home which is a lot smaller thanthan my current set up. My new room is simply too small to house my Wilson Sophias. What suggestions would people have for a standmount speaker? I have listened to the Dynaudio C1s and found them to not be to my taste. I have listened to the Talon ravens and liked them a lot-- found them to be very transparent-- but they are costly. I intend to listen to the new Monitor Audio PL100 and the usher Tiny Dancer. Any other suggestions? Has anyone listened to the Escalante Pinyons without a sub? Eben XCentric? I would like to stay under $5k used or new. My musical tastes run to acoustic folk and rock with 33% symphonic. I am not a bass freak but really enjoy speakers that do the disappearing act, not one of the Sophia's strengths. Other pieces: Act2, Primare A32 amp, Marantz SA11. new cabling will come with the new room. Thanks for the input.
The Proac D2s and a high mass stand Work great with the Primare amps
Having been paired at UK shows they perform great together.
Cheers Johnnyr
I have heard the Escalante Design Pinyons both with, and without a subwoofer. I actually have a pair in one of my systems. The overall sound is better than the Talons (not surprising, since they were designed by the same person - but the Pinyons represent a significant refinement in the sound from the earlier speaker), and there is no boom or 'overload' at the bass frequencies. The transparency is first rate, and there is an abundance of detail as well. Imaging is excellent, but to me, the dynamic range and lack of compression exhibited by the Pinyons really put the icing on the cake. If you can find a used pair within your budget, do so.
Harbeths SLH5's. I owned these for about 2 years and enjoyed every minute with them. They will fit your price range new. Easy to drive. Very musical. Great on acoustic and classical. If you haven't heard the Harbeth line you owe it to listen before making a purchase.