tube friendly speaker rec

loooking for suggestions for tube friendly monitors.
using a prima luna dialogue one with quad 22L speakers, at moderate levels sound ok but seem to lose focus as they get louder which makes me think they are a little power hungry.
have around $2000 budget. tinking about triangle comete but afraid they may be too bright,while merlins are out of my price not know if totem or dynaudio work well
with tubes and was wondering about the new GMA Eos.
any thoughts appreciated
I have the Triangle Comete es with my Primaluna PL2 and have used it with both KT88's and EL34's. Got a very good deal for them new (under $500) and they sound great. I think the tubes tame the high end. I was very impress with the bass, deeper and fuller than the BW DM602's i had before.

If and when i upgrade its a toss up btw the De Capo's and a Single Driver like Cain and Abby.
A used Merlin TMX will be very tube friendly and is one of the finer sounding speakers in a smallish monitor configuration.