Pipedreams vs. Soundlabs

Hello Everyone,
I am familiar with the sound of Soundlab M-1's. I am curious how the Pipedreams with the 6 or 7 foot towers would compare to the Soundlab M-1's. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with me.
Hello Raulvega. I care. LOL in 30 years I've owned speakers you dream about such as:

Apogee Divas w/DAX
Infinity IRS Beta
Infinity IRS Gamma
Infinity RS1b
Infinity RSIIb
Magnepan 3.6r
Magnepan 3.5r
Magnepan 20
B&W Matrix 800
B&W Nautilus 800
Genesis V

There have been others you lust after as well in my home.

I'll stand by MY words. In my home, no speaker has come as close to delivering the live sound experience as has the Pipedreams.

I still love the planar sound, and have Infinity RS1b's heavily modded in a second system.

So, please.......make sure of your target before you pull the trigger.


Paul :-)
Brian's right. Guts aside, it is totally unprofessional (and unethical) to knock a competitive product. An experienced businessman would know that.

I have heard the Soundlabs A-1 driven by McIntosh tube preamp and 1201 monoblocks. This is the only Soundlabs speaker I have heard a lot. Low-level detail and imaging are superb, however I found them unable to play at levels I like to enjoy. In fact, we sat and watched the protect lamps on the 1201's flash at us as we turned up the volume.
If I did the majority of my listening at low levels, they would be in the house now.

Like other participants in this thread, I will take the high ground. I'd far rather say something good about a person or product, than to insult and denigrate.


Paul :-)