Pipedreams vs. Soundlabs

Hello Everyone,
I am familiar with the sound of Soundlab M-1's. I am curious how the Pipedreams with the 6 or 7 foot towers would compare to the Soundlab M-1's. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with me.
Dracule1, from the standpoint of chest thumping bass one gets from cones, you are correct. But when the large (often 48" diameter or more) bass drum is hit at the symphony, do you get that effect? I think not. You sense the sudden air movement as the sound waves wash over you. Double (string) bass and grand piano also are quite different. The bass you hear at a rock concert is coming from cone woofers, not from instruments. Rock music, except for amateur bootleg recordings, is mainly recorded direct from the instruments' outputs, not by microphones picking up the speakers' output.
Hi Dennis,
Jtinn's comments must be totally discounted as he sells other brands. Ignore it and move on to more objective posters.
LOL, for a speaker that's "pretty bad", it is the best thing I've had in my room in over 30 years in the hobby.


Paul :-)
Dennis, Audiofeil generally would be correct, but in this case he is wrong. The Pipedreams are indeed not very good. The crossover is terrible and the cheap tweeters are subpar. The image size is unrealistic, the bass does not integrate well, the company cannot be trusted and the workmanship is poor. Although I never heard the original pair created by Mark Porzili , I am told they were pretty good.

The Soundlabs are very good sounding. They are not necessarily my cup of tea, but they are respectable.

Paul: I am sorry if I offended you. I certainly do not intend to do so, but I have quite a bit of experience with both the speakers and the company and hold to my statement.
Brian, RIGHT ON with your explanation of deep bass. I for one love the sound and feel of the bass hitting your gut! However, you are CORRECT...ain't that way at the concert hall. I have always believed that we as audiophiles and music lovers want our cake and eat it too. We want accurate and absolute sound but also want the spectacular sound of what electronics can produce.
I have not heard the Soundlabs for quite some time but I recall hearing them at one of the NYC shows (10 yrs ago) and saying that they were the most authentic speaker to replicate live music.