your experience with mod or upgrade companies.....

i called c/j and talked with jeff, found out that cj now does upgrades for some of their equipment. my pv12 would be about 900.00 four just 5 caps. that seems a little high for just that amount of work. what other compy that you know of is doing this, i know a while back i heard about different ones, but you dont hear to much now. there was a group of indian guys i talked with a while back that seem to do a lot more for at lot less, but i forgot the name of them.. please give me your input, as always is appreciated.......
I don't have an Oppo but the reviews on Dan Wright's (Modwright) are very good. His own products sure are IMHO
Depending on the caps. V-Caps? Send me your amp and I will convert it to point-to point wiring making it much better than swapping out a few caps.

Happy Listening.
WOW!!! I was sent some pictures of an Upgraded Company player and the Oppo had blue paint all over the place and the aluminum foil tape that wraps around the wires were covered in a black cloth tape. The guy said the blue paint was AVM fluid. Whatever that means. The aluminum foil tape looks like tape my heating guy uses and the cloth tape looks like tape that you use to fix a hole in your old VW seat. Maybe all this stuff helps with vibration? Not sure about the EMI/RFI riddance technology verbage on the Upgrade Company website. Does the tape and blue fluid get rid of distortion or something? Not my cup of tea that's for sure.
I own the Oppo 105 that was upgraded by John Tucker of Exemplar Audio and the upgrade is simply stunning. Highly recommended.

The Upgrade Company goes after the radio frequency & electromagnetic radiation issue. They are very secretive about what they are doing to tackle the issue. There is really no reason for all of the secrecy.

over the years, several modders have left the scene. This is a sad fact, as we need modders. Theses guys had the talent and know-how to make gear better after the manufacturers cut corners, used lesser parts in order to make a profit. To my knowledge, the stalwarts like ARC and C-J, still provide excellent upgrade service. Mod-Wright is one of the few "indie" operations still around. Happy Listening!