Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Guarneri Memento to the original Guarneri?

Does anyone have any pricing info on the new Guarneri Mementos?
I am one of the "unfortunate" ones who owns the GMs. That was said with tongue in cheek as I hardly consider myself unfortunate to own those musical gems! Never heard the GHs and so am not in a position to pick sides. Nor do I want to do so. Absolutely agree with Pinkus that the GMs benefit from a very stout SS amp. Mine sound superb with my Accuphase amp. The right tube amp can also work wonders with the GMs. I have heard the GMs driven with the top of the line Shindo monoblocks, and the sound was absolutely sublime. They also sound superb with my Luxman MQ-88, the tube amp I use in my reference system from October through May.
There is one more interesting thing - so far I thought that Stradivari Homage, Amati Anniversario and Guarneri Memento uses the same modified Scan Speak ring radiator. I have seen pictures of Stradivari tweeter ang Guarneri Memento tweeter and back of both speakers differ.
Milimeter, Ken Kessler in his review states (from memory) that the tweeter is shared between Amati Anniversario and Memento, and is a modified version of the tweeter used in Stradivari.
""""07-24-10: Milimetr
There is one more interesting thing - so far I thought that Stradivari Homage, Amati Anniversario and Guarneri Memento uses the same modified Scan Speak ring radiator. I have seen pictures of Stradivari tweeter ang Guarneri Memento tweeter and back of both speakers differ."""

Milimeter- probably it because diferent high pass transfer function- tweeter guarneri M would benefit from less pronuonced Fs peak(more compression and higher comliance), thus chamber could be diferent size , stuffed diferently- adjusted for better high pass function. amati aniversario can have same or very similar as stradivari, as thei transfer function similar. but this is only quess.
Guessing is good and here are the pictures of Stradivari tweeter:

and Guarneri Memento tweeter:

You can easily see how different is the tweeter from standard ring radiator. Front bafle is diferently shaped, magnet is double sized and there is acustical wood chamber.