Are Zu Druids really good HE speakers?

I am getting motivated to place an order for the Zu Druid speakers. I have not got a chance to listen to them but Zu offers a 30 days return policy.
These speakers has got all the qualities which I am looking for namely
1. Single crossover less FR driver and a super tweeter
2. High efficiency 101 db
3. very SET friendly spks

I am looking for a full body, smooth non fatiguing sound with good dynamics and great bass impact.

Any opinions or impressions that can be shared in the forum would be great.


The Zu Druids do have a very full-bodied sound with great dynamics. To my ears they have a subtle characteristic sonic signature that I couldn't promise you'd find non-fatiguing, but evidently many owners have. In my admittedly limited experience they are somewhat weak in the bass region, but for a fairly small, very high efficiency system they do surprisingly well. It's just that if you want "great bass impact", I think you'll need a sub.


The Druids are a very interesting design. I like the basic concept a great deal - namely, that of using an augmented fullrange driver. I do something similar in a speaker of my own design (though mine isn't in the same league as the Zus in terms of efficiency).

The Zus have been highly recommended to me by industry members who have no vested interest, and obviously have a very enthusiastic following here and elsewhere. I've heard Druids and Definitions at several shows now, and agree that they do some things very well. Perhaps I just happen to prefer a different set of strengths and compromises (all speakers have 'em), but I'd have to recommend that a prospective buyer audition them with familiar program material before committing. Fortunately, Zu makes this relatively easy to do.

Finally, the tonal balance will probably not be its best with a high damping factor solid state amp like your Pass Labs; they prefer SET or OTL tube amps.

Here is what Stereophile has to say about ZU @ CES
They offer a free 60 day home trial.

Why don't you see for yourself as opposed to depending on the opinions of those of us who have been converted (sold, shammed, biased, however you wish to look at it) and the opinions of the theorists who have read a book or article and KNOW these speakers can't be any good.
Indeed. An in home audition is the only way to know. We'll see. Anyone have a
pair of Druids and live near SE Michigan that wouldn't mind me stopping over for
a demo? Thanks all,
A friend invited me to listen to his new Druids. He was thrilled. He felt he was finally "there". The smile on his face was as wide as the couch he was sitting on. His eyes beamed with joy and excitement. He was dumping his $10,000 speakers in favor of these tall, thin, black wonderboxes. I believe he felt he finally attained audio nirvanna. BUT ... I didn't get it. Their sound had punch, but no weight. I did not find them musical at all. They had clarity but no depth. No ring. Almost as if you took a driver and hung it on a pole. It sounded like it was spitting out the correct frequencies, but they were dry as the desert. No tonal lushness at all. So I just smiled, tapped my toe to the "music", and made a hasty exit. Tarzan no like.