Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Job is in the process of going direct from the factory on amp sales. it looks like it will be another month or so before they are able to fulfill sales requests. I know that there is heavy pent up demand but we need to be patient.

I am just as anxious as everyone else here to buy another amp. My friend has mine now and I miss it very much. Yes, he's a good friend so I don't mind him using it. These amps are stellar, especially for the money. You can not go wrong with the Job 225. I predict great success for Job.
Can the Job be used without a preamp? I plan to buy a preamp next year and just connect the Job to my source (Oppo 105). Is this a bad idea? I was thinking of buying a passive preamp or getting the new Job preamp that's coming out next year.

I'm also interested in Bent Audio's passive preamp (AVC-1 Slagleformer). I'm considering the passive preamp from Tortuga Audio as well ( Has anyone heard of it? It's a LDR based preamp. According to the company's forum, someone prefers this preamp over the one from Bent Audio. I thought that was interesting.