Integrated Amps vs. Separates.

I'm curious what people think the better option is, integrated amp or seperates. It seems that integrated amps are a cost cutting measure, but do they also cut sonic quality? Assuming similiar price ranges, what would people here generally choose. Give me some examples/brands/models and comparisions from your experiences. Thnaks. Carter p.s. Is the Krell KAV 300i really the king of integrateds like many reviewers say (i.e not only better than all other integrated amps but better than most seperates)?
This has turned out to be a great thread. Thanks everyone for their input. The important part of my original post was the "in the same price range" part. I'm on a budget(as most of us are), and I just wondered were the money would be better spent(seps or integrateds). I have to agree that I think an integrated amp is the way to go for me. I'm looking at the Sim 5080 and I-5, Audio Refinement Complete, and some Jolida stuff. I think one of these will fill the bill well. I think that whatever I pay for one of these units I will get more bang for my buck than if I were to go with same price range seperates. Oh ya, I'm assumiung used prices for all. The mailman
Despite the fact that there are some excellent high priced integrateds like Mark Levison, Jeff Rowland, Plinius etc seperates have distinct physical/design advantages that can only be had with two box approach. British have been making quality integrateds (MF, Linn, Cyrus, Myryad etc) for a long time, and at @$2000 dollar point companies stop offering integrateds and only offer seperates. Again their long experience with integrateds has shown that above $2000 the cost of the extra box is offset by performance gains. For American audio products the price points are higher, but the principles are the same. For instance Brian's $6000 ML integrated would have to compete with $6000 amp/preamp from companies like Bryston, McCormak, Plinius, Musical Fidelity, Cary, Sonic Frontiers, Rogue etc. BTW I own both integrateds and seperates and appreciate the convenience and cost savings of integrateds, but recognize the compromise. I may stretch the budget to $3000 for a top American integrated, but above that I can get seperates for the same price that sound better, Sam
Listen to teh Naim, NAD, DK design group, Sim audio, if you really want to spend soem serious bucks, the Gryphon is absooutely pristine I have heard nto so good comments about teh Jeff Rolwland digital design for integrated, look into tubes if you're looking for timbre, tone realistic sound female vocals to die for, etc. etc.

Hope this helps a little;
