McIntosh - is it that great?

I'm just curious if McIntosh gear is all that great. How does their older power amps compare to new products from other high end manufactures? Are there any products I should stay away from. I like the idea of owning vintage McIntosh stuff. Most of their stuff seems pricy. Is it because it's that good or do people just like to collect their products. thanks for you opinions--Matt
I have been in this hobby for about 40 years and if I had discovered Mac a long time ago I could have saved a mint!!!
I just inherited my father's system which includes Mac 60s (2) amps and an Mac 20 preamp, both purchased new in 1958! They had been unused for 6 years and they sound great.
I have an Audio Research VT-100 Mk II, but I have toyed with the idea of selling it and getting a McIntosh MC275. Has anybody compared the two amps? I would be interested in hearing people's opinions about how these two amps would compare sonically. My speakers are Acoustic Zen Adagio.
When I owned my VT100 mk3, which replaced a much loved 4 year affair with a Mk2, I brought home an MC275 for a couple of nights, and did not feel it was better than the ARC. When I brought home the MC402, I could not sell both my VT100 mk3 and my VT200 fast enough. I thought tubes were the closest path to reality, but the 402 changed that big time. My advice, try one before you buy the 275.
Dbarger, this is the second recommendation I have read about McIntosh solid state amps-especially the 402. I too am interested in the MC275 amp. I have the old Infinity RS 1-B's that have ALWAYS been powered with a tube amp on the mids and tweeter's. First it was the ARC 100 mkll and now the ASL Hurricanes. I was considering 2 MAC's MC275 but I would like to hear more from you (and others) about their SS amps and why they should so good to you?
When the RS 1-B's came out they (Infinity-Nudell) recommended using tubes on the top. I use a Perreaux 3150B amp for the woofers.

RWD (Rick)