HiFi is an opinion - nothing more

The audiophile community spends vast amounts of time and resources trying to claim truth about something that boils down to be no more than one persons opinion. I read where some proclaimed audiophile has created nirvana by rotating his loudspeaker 1 degree off axis when used with a certain type of interconnect cable. Phew... I might remind everyone that the human ear and the mechanics of hearing are highly individual, namely we don't all hear alike. Add to that the processing that goes on in the brain to add value to what we hear, we end up with nothing more than an opinion not fact. Case in point, a system set up to accurately reproduce sound in terms of phase, and frequency amplitude response would not be desirable by most audiophiles. It would sound bright, thin and certainly not have enough bass. Most audiophiles would prefer the sound of a Bose Wave Radio to a an accurately set up HiFi. Get some acoustical instrumentation sometime and try it for yourself. To all of you who savor the delicious warmth of your tuuuuby like transistors and transparent capacitors, I say get a life. If you find yourself basking in the latest techno tweek and thirteenth set of speakers, I suggest you go off line, visit a used car lot, find an old VW Beatle, turn on the radio and enjoy the music again. Re-invent yourself.
I say we go after Larry with the torches and pitch forks... hey, before I have to slip into the Nomex again, tongue is very much in cheek.
Larry writes: As we come to the end of another year, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my somewhat controversial remarks. For the record, I too have been sucked into the world of audio, way past the sensible point of no return, to a place that ceases to represent actual music but rather some version or statement of accomplishment albiet vicariously through the efforts of others. Through this thread, the audio community has confirmed what I often suspected, that the pursuit of ultra high end sound reproduction, is a highly personal endeavour largely satisfying no one but ourselves and in some cases not even to ourselves. The most negative comments confirmed the latter. How many times have we all lusted after that new component only to be bored or unhappy with it after a short while. I sold my Krell KPS/20iL, (that's right, avoid the external preamp and cables to get a more pure signal)and replaced it with a Sony SCD-1 SACD. Yes the fun is in the "chase" as Eldragon put it. To all, a happy and safe new year and "good hunting". Larry
This thread should have climax with comments by Albertporter on 12-28-00. Enough said!!