Why so few record cleaners for sale?

It seems like a lot of people are getting out of the record game so I thought I would take a look for a record cleaner. There are some of the cheap ones for sale, but I thought there would be more. Do the people that have them use them, or are they collecting dust in the basement or garage???

Do people have CD cleaners too? I've never seen one, so I'm curious. Is there are market for a product like that?
IMHO if you're into vinyl, a good RCM is a necessity. I have a Nitty Gritty 2.5 that I bought in 1986 and I use it regularly to clean "new used" LPs I pick up here and there. The NG has paid for itself many times over, and if and when it finally craps out, I'll definite buy another RCM.
but they sell almost immediately when they come up used. Even a used VPI 16.5 resold for $400 in less than two days recently.

jabenso is correct...they sell fast.

out of all my components and gear, i would have to say that my nitty gritty is the most reliable & most frequently used. sell...NEVER!!

ps. check the forums on how to "build your own" record cleaner.

have a distortion free day!
Orders of magnitude more people (even if you limit it to audiophiles) bought records than bought record cleaners.