What did YOU get for Christmas?

Now that the living room floor is covered with wrapping paper and the kids are camped in front of their newest video game, it's time to take a poll of 'goners and see what audio trinkets Santa brought everyone this year.

For me, it was a Kimber cable in my stocking to connect my iPod docking station to my Linn Classik, and a Tivoli Model 3 clock radio for the bedroom.

How about all the rest of you? Were you good girls and boys this year?
Some great posts in the holiday spirit....season's greetings and happy new year to all on Audiogon!
A Hummer. Gotta buy something besides audio once in a while. Happy Holidays and have a great New Year.
I though about buying my wife a new pre-amp, but I decided against it, since she doesn't really listen to much music ;-)

Atually, my wife and I passed on buying each other gifts this year, and instead each donated $500 to a no-kill animal shelter near Seattle that helped us out in finding a home for a stray dog that I found on a golf course Thanksgiving weekend. My local humane society had deemed the poor guy "un-adoptable" due to his age and general health condition, and he was scheduled to be euthanized. Because one of my dogs is aggressive around her food, we couldn't take him, and my wife searched frantically for an alternative. At the 11th hour, she found Pasado's Safe Haven in Monroe, WA, and got them to agree to take him. We fostered him for 3 days, then drove him to Pasado's. They got him the medical and dental care that he so desperately needed, and gave him a home for the rest of his days. After visiting there and seeing what they do for animals that have been abused and/or abandoned, we both felt that maybe we could sacrifice our gifts to each other for one year, and help give the gift of life to an animal that didn't have the ability to help itself.

Maybe I'll get that new pre-amp for my birthday......
