Any AudiogoNers Winston Cup fans?

Do any of you follow the NASCAR Winston Cup? Do you have any favorite driver? I've been following it over the last 10 or 12 years myself. Got into it while living for a short time in South Carolina in 1990 - 1991. Some friends took me to the tracks at Talladega and Darlington. Got into following Mark Martin. Watching the dance of a 200 mph traffic jam and pit stop strategy is pretty cool.
I have attended both NASCAR and Formula 1 races. TV cannot possibly convey the speed these cars run. The first time I sat trackside in a practice session and watched an F1 car go buy at 215mph I pissed my pants. F1 cars represent the ultimate in tweaking... eveything is computerized: traction control, launch control, automatic transmission shifts (count 'em 7 speeds), engine performance (V10, compressed air valves and 17,000rpm) and telemetry. Some teams even have engineers at the tire plants full time. They even make computer models of all the tracks to set up their shocks and springs. I also love NASCAR because the cars can bang into each other, and the wall, without disentigrating. No high tech here... they use old fashioned carburetors, fuel pumps, and 4 speed manual transmissions with clutches. If you go to a race, wear your earplugs... race cars are seriously loud.
I just don't get NASCAR. On occasion I try to watch Formula 1 or rally races.
A Ward Burton fan. Me I don't work for, nor do I need to avail myself of Mark Martin's sponser's services ;)
Suddenly feel like a fish out of water? I had to finish a job this Sunday and guess what, I didnt go till after the race! I never miss a race (on tv) if I can help it and I am determined to see one at the track this year. Considering the fact that I live 30 min from Lowe's Motor Speedway I should be able to swing it.
Favorite driver? Mark Martin of course. Maybe its because Im not a kid, but Im kinda sick of the "Young Guns" that get all the press while drivers (with class) like Martin can be leading the points and barely get mentioned. And that punk Tony Stewert wins the Championsip! Oh well, its fun!
Races are pretty long so there is plenty of time to listen to tunes while you watch. I can see where to some it may seem like little is going on, but there is much more to each race than meets the eye. And its easy to forget how fast these guys are going untill someone loses it.
Martin is off to a good start, he needs (deserves) a championship!