Power Line Pillow

Do any of you use Blue Circle's Power Line Pillow (noise hound - Model B86mkII)?

At what level would you state its effectiveness in improving the sound of an audio system based on the following scale? (I live in an apartment building which is fairly old and for the time being cannot afford a line conditioner)

1. outstandingly effective
2. very effective
3. moderately effective
4. mildly effective
5. not at all effective

Any further details would be greatly appreciated.

I use a BC85.1 which I think is a powerline pillow with 5 outlets. I purchased it because at the time I lived in an old apartment and the sound was hazy during the day. Plugging in the 85.1 immediately took the hardness out of the upper frequencies. Dynamics were actually improved and the whole system became quieter and...more intimate?? Pretty neat product. I may sell it eventually to try ot Gilbert's Music Ring product. I woudl give it a 2. It did help things along, and now that I've moved I'm going to try and A/B with it in the system and out.

I was toying around with it at CES, Blue Circle had a demo where they plugged in a noise sensing machine into an outlet, it was buzzing and humming along. Plug in the Pillow into an adjacent outlet and the noise went away. Completely. Apparently using multiple Pillows helps even more, the effect is additive. I spoke to Gilbert about the Pillow at length, he uses high quality polypropolene capacitors to filter out the grunge from the line. Gilbert is an approachable, honest, intelligent, and enthusiastic music-lover. At the price he sells the Pillows for, you can't go wrong trying one out.
I use the Blue Circle Noise Hound in my system.Bought it on line from Walt Stanger.I almost returned it as it caused sibilance and a degree of harshness to eminate.Tried it in my various dedicated lines,and in various unused outlets of my Tice Solo line conditioners with poor results.Then the last position I tried was the outlet nearest my dedicated lines.Using it here on the dirtier lines made a signicant improvment even though none of my stuff is plugged into these lines.My advice would be to try one from someone with say a 30 day money back trial period.Then experiment with various placment postions.Seems to work its best when utilized on dirty lines,at least that was my experience.Mines a keeper now.