How Often Do You Listen To Live Music??

I suspect there has been a thread about this in the past. But I wonder how many Audiogon listeners actually go out to listen to live music each month. Speaking for myself, I attend at least one Symphony concert each month; as well as going to a non-classical concert or club every three or four weeks.
And while I love listening to my system at home; I find that live music is just much more dynamic - especially in a good room or hall with decent acoustics.
i hate visiting huge concert halls and rather listen to the music in small area. i often go by 34th street station and listen to unamplified violinists, guitarists and vocals.
for the rock i also go to the small places since i mostly visit non-commercial rock conserts.
in general i listen to the live music pretty often. usually october and november are the most freequent months that i visit. overall is arround 30...40 times per year.
love to listen to Elliott Sharp, David Torn, John Zorn, Bill Laswel.
Prior to moving to Melbourne, Fl (a culturing deprive town) 2 years ago from Long Island, it was almost every day. My friends own a building and turned most of the ground floor as their rehearsal space with recording capabitities (26 x 48 x 12)and with 20 plus muscians we knew there was always some jamming. I still have lots of gear up there. There is also The Spot a graduate student bar at Stoney Brook University just down the road, where live bands and we performed, and there is also Wamboozy a LI music festival that my friend organized and ran. Then there is NYC with all the clubs, just look in The Village Voice for a band to see. There was always live music in my life from the Filmore East in 1970 and beyond. Prior to that my father and his father would play at family gatherings.