Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
My buddy has been running a Threshold 400A since he purchased it new back in the late '70's (powering modified Dahlquist DQ-10's). He runs it every day, and the only problem has been the replacement of the power switch (really a circuit breaker). We both think that it still sounds great and qualifies as a keeper for life.
Yes David, it is a sign.
I agree with you that in good system
you can easily loose track of time.
When one stops concentrating on components
it usualy means that - you did alright.

It does not happened often that you get a bulls eye
synergy wise but when it happends - it is very very

I am happy that your quest for music is at that point
as well.

My father still has the SAE Mark XXXI he bought in 1976. Everything else in his system has changed, but that amp still sounds just fine driving a pair of B&W 804Ns. Since he's now 83 years old and has no intentions of buying another amp, I think this one will qualify.
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I've tried very hard to find an amp that would let me sell my CAT JL2, SS, many tube amps, and unfortunately I have not found anything close to the CATs (many amps that sounded wonderful in their own right, and easy amps to live with). This is unfortuante since the run hot as hell, consume a lot of power, are expensive to retube, and weigh 180lbs - all things I hate, but the sound in my system with the CATs is incomparable (it has always been clearly superior, not a hairsplitting difference), so getting rid of it is just very unlikely to happen.