how can I find the polarity out from my XLR


I've a little problem ;-(
I'd like do check what are the polarities out of the pin 2 & 3 of my XLR.

why ?
because the User manual of my cd player says
and at the back of my cd player it's wrote

how can I do to check exactly "where is" the (+) or (hot) pin

thanks for your help
Have you contacted the manufacturer? 9 out of 10 times, they mis-print the manual.
You really need a 'scope to double-check this. However sometimes there is a slight DC offset voltage on pins 2 and 3 from some cd (or DAC) XLR outputs. If you have a DVM with reasonable resolution you could try and measure on a low DC volts range across pins 2 and 3 and then reverse the probes and compare. This may give you an indication as to which one is "hot".

If you try this, usual dis-claimers apply! Regards, Richard
Just ignore it. According to statistics, 50% of all CD's are recorded in wrong polarity anyway.
A lot of European gear is pin 3 hot, especially older pro audio gear... your pinouts are probably correct on the back of the Sony and not what the user manual says...