The best sounding FM Tuner is.....

OK Magnum Dynalab, Fanfare, Day Sequerra, etc. owners...I have no "high end" dealer in my area that carries a great tuner. I probably will not have the chance to listen to or 'a/b' compare a tuner before I decide to purchase. I'm asking anyone with comparison experience or anyone that feels that the own the best to respond in this discussion. Thanks, I look forward to reading your responses!
The Day Sequerra tuner. No one writes in about them because people who own them have realize time is money and tehir time is too expensive to give away for freee on the net in discussion groups.
If you can find one, definitely a Tandberg 3011 or 3011A. If you do get a Tandberg, however, have the preset switches replaced--they die after about 15 years. Once you've replaced them, and had the unit aligned, you won't believe how musical it is.
every tuner mentioned is more than worthy I would say buy any of the above used preferably the least expensive and put your money into a good outside antennae my feeling being this the most important factor
Agree with above comment. Buy VHF only antenna (not VHF/UHF combo). Ensure FM trap is diabled. DO NOT USE splitter or signal boost. Use better quality RG-6 cable. Use rotor of course.
Is without a doubt, Magnum Dynalab..... hands down. While the MD-108 is their top-of-the-line tuner (at $5,000.00...... OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!), you can get an MD-102 for about half of that and it offers 90% to 95% of the perfomance of the MD-108 without the headache of replacing burnt out tubes later on. The FT-101 Etude is also a respectable tuner for almost 50% less still than an MD-102. The FT-101A still sets the standard as far as affordable tuners are concerned. But I wouldn't pay $900.00 for a new one however. Try to find a used one on the "net" for about $300.00 or $400.00 less. If you want to, you can have it upgraded to an Etude later on. But now, if you really want a good sounding tuner that is also affordable, then try one of the used NAD tuners that was produced over the past 15 years. Good tuners (talking about the NADs now), great prices. I am fortunate. I own a Magnum Dynalab FT-101 (the original one..... not the "A" version) and it is the part of my audio system. Sounds great as advertised. And I also own an NAD 4155 (1982 to about 1986). That one is going to be part of my home theater system. It will also be a back-up tuner when I finally decide to have my FT-101 upgraded. Good luck in your search. I'm sure your tuner is out there somewhere.