OK Come Clean, whats in your closet ?

No I dont want to hear about any dead bodies or your blue movie collection. I was reading a post on AA about what should people do with their unsold Audio Equipment. Cmon now in addition to that box with a zillion Radio Shack cables what do you have laying around.

I'll come clean.........in the Closet I have

An Anthem MCA 3 series II amp
A Technichs DVDA-10
A Denon Cassette Deck
A BBE sonic maximizer
A Radio Shack rack mounted power conditioner
and 3 NHT Super one speakers.

Not too bad , used to be worse and not that the above items are junk, but who knows, one mans junk could be another mans treaure , maybe this thread can inspire trades or something. So come clean, Whats in your closet ! Thanks.
Mejames, I designed my listening room pretty much from scratch so the corners are in good shape and the size is very good (32'2"x19'8"x12'1"). Heavy sloping woodwork and sloping tray ceilings elimnate the 90 degree corners and ceiling to wall joints. The walls themselves are a double thickness of heavy drywall glued together and attached to horizontal metal rails (I can't remember what they're called, but they are heavy) and the walls are 6 inches thick (offset 2x4's on a six inch plate) filled with acoustic insulation. We just got some very heavy drapes that cover up one entire wall from corner to corner other than the fireplace in the middle. This has provided the room with a very nice acoustic finish. Since the drapes arrived, the PZC's are in the closet. I still need to figure out what to do with two of the corners, but will need something fairly "invisible" and 10 ft tall to the tray. My wife's been patient enough with the rest of it ;-) If I can't get a decent price on the units, I could always use them in the TV room I guess. They are nice units though.
I bought a Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck three years ago this month - intended to have it brought up to original specs, but then got a great deal on a new DR-10 (for $300.00). So in the closet the Dragon sits. I should sell it - but probably won't.
Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!!!!!!! I just read returned from vaca and read the post. Not even the responses!

You gottaa' be kiddin' me. The "For Sale" list I made ,"To be listed on AGon", ended up being longer than I thought and I never got around to posting Anything. Best yet, that was a few months ago and I've stacked-up even more crap!