Audiogon Grading Scale - the gold standard?

I recently got duped by an eBay seller's item representation, "...excellent cosmetically." Seller offers no equitable restitution, maintaining we merely have a difference of "opinion" as to the meaning of "excellent." My question is, how effective do you feel the "Audiogon Grading Scale" has been in eliminating misunderstandings/misrepresentations that would otherwise arise by way of subjective characterizations? I am pleased to say it's been working quite well thus far for me. Any suggestions as to how it might be further improved upon? BTW, for those interested, why not get a laugh out of this at my expense (literally). Check out
Audiogon rating system is not any better. It is solely up to the grader. Audiogon's 10/10 is basically brand new. There are lots of 10/10 ratings on used equipment.
Gold Standard or not, I recently bought a speaker system via Audiogon that was graded 9/l0, arrived at something like 6/l0 and carried other, shall we say, discrepancies from the posted description. Then the seller nagged me for positive feedback, and not just once. But the speakers are great, so the moral of all this is a little cloudy. I guess caveat emptor still covers it.
Let us please be clear...I concur and would further amplify what most have pointed out, namely that AGS is of NO USE whatsoever in deterring the unscrupulous. What it DOES do that I find of value is to establish defined parameters by which abuses/deviations are much more easily, successfully, conclusively demonstrated. This can prove of particular benefit where the injured/defrauded party seeks to make their case—whatever the venue.
Sarah (Sc53): Thanks much for your post. Lo and behold, where my auction merely had "...a bid" as you pointed out at the time of your writing, it NOW has (as of 11/1 - 12:27 PM EST) 7 bids, lol!
I have had two expierences on Ebay, both of which left a somewhat bad taste in my mouth. I bought a trombone that was described as in excellent playing condition ... long story short the horn is unplayable. I also bought an Adcom 585 amp. That unit was described as perfect. Not so. That unit was filthy and required an hour of careful cleaning to reveal that while in excellent condition it was not 'as new'.

Audiogon however has been a joy. I have met some of the most amazing people and have yet to be disappointed by the equipment I have purchased here. I use caution when dealing with a person without any feedback here, but if I am convinced of a persons integrity, will buy anyway.

As a community, Agon is a unique place on the web. I am very comfortable here and hope that we can keep it this nice always.