Music to make you laugh by

No, I don't mean the text of a song as an example. Rather the musical content of a given piece of music, which by listening to it, be it in concert or at home in front of your rig, has made you laugh out loud or grin or smile, because it was funny or amusing in a clever way.
Thanks so far for all your posts. Greatly appreciated. Katharina, also Bach can be funny: His Coffee and his Peasant Cantata. Hilarious! Cheers
A couple of entries in the category of having some clever moments include Joni Mitchell's "Raised on Robbery" (I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries / Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipe") and Bare Naked Ladies' "It's All Been Done". Based on Stereophile's recent article highlighting the Austin Lounge Lizards (April issue?) I bought a couple of their CDs. One of my favorite selections is "Rasputin's HMO", recounting the problems that a Rasputin would have presenting himself to a modern health-card provider. Then there's the guilty pleasure of Weird Al Yankovic. His recounting of "Star Wars: the Saga Begins" sung to the melody of "American Pie" on his "Running with Scissors" CD is a classic.
Anything by PDQ Bach, for classical, and the Roches' rendition of Winter Wonderland (sung with terrific Brooklyn accents) from their Christmas CD.
The album on "Rough Trade" recorded in Spicewood Texas by Two Nice Girls, has a cut titled, "Spent My Last $10.00 On Birth Control and Beer." ( "I was better off when I was sober and *****." ) Guaranteed to get a smile at any high end audition.

As for music that always makes me laugh with delight, it's Etta James and Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson, "The Early Show." Recorded live at Marla's Memory Lane in Los Angeles. This is on Fantasy Records, and mine is an LP. In addition to impossible energy levels, this is one of the best live recordings I own.