Good MA recordings CDs

A few weeks ago, I discovered an album called "Sera Una Noche" on the MA Recordings label ( This is an acoustic tango album featuring five young Argentine musicians. If you are into acoustic Jazz and want to hear something different, do not miss this one. The percussion is simply fantastic, among the best I have heard anywhere.

I would like to discover other albums from this label. Are there any other Audiogon members who like and can recommend some CDs from this label. Thanks. Daniel
And 'Krusevo' by Stefanovski and Tadic (guitar works). It was on 'Stereophile' R2D4, few years back. Probably best MA release.
Yes, I am listening to that one right now and it is excellent. Not on MA, but it you like Krusevo, I recommend the recordings by the Assad brothers (Sergio and Odair).
Thanks Drubin and Brukowski. Last week-end I went to the Montreal hi-fi expo and bought "The Splendour of Al-Andalus" by Calamus and "Krusevo" by Stefanovski and Tadic. I am looking forward to listening to these titles this week.