Best Bach Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor

I am looking to find an audiophile recording of Bach's Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor. I have a few copies, but they either lack the LF oomph, or do not captue the range of pipe sounds. I want to be blown away!
My 1969 performance (as a seventeen-yr-old) on a Casavant Freres 4-rank French Canadian organ in the St Jean-de-Baptiste Church in Central Falls, Rhode Island. I even got through the final runs with nary a slip, and was shaking afterwards. I don't own a recording of the piece, and find playing it on my Steinway nowadays nostalgic, but NOTHING like that experience as a kid. Blown away? Sure...and I didn't even know an alternate meaning of the phrase! Phew....
To Subaruguru, A belated and sincere round of applause from me. I'm impressed. I'm a Lutheran Pastor's son. Some of my earliest memories are of Bach on the church pipe organ. My father and his organist friends used to play Bach all the time when I was growing up. It's really difficult music and a recording even on my big bucks system can't come close to it live. Given my background I'm sure you would not be suprised to know that I treasure my Helmut Walcha disks.
To all who posted, thank you for your feedback. I stumbled across a Deutsche Grammaphon recording of Helmut Walcha titled Great Organ Works. The presence and spatial definition are amazing. Very full dynamic Range. And The DG sound quality is superb. If you are looking for a great one, pick it up.