Best Bach Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor

I am looking to find an audiophile recording of Bach's Toccatta and Fugue in D Minor. I have a few copies, but they either lack the LF oomph, or do not captue the range of pipe sounds. I want to be blown away!

Showing 1 response by subaruguru

My 1969 performance (as a seventeen-yr-old) on a Casavant Freres 4-rank French Canadian organ in the St Jean-de-Baptiste Church in Central Falls, Rhode Island. I even got through the final runs with nary a slip, and was shaking afterwards. I don't own a recording of the piece, and find playing it on my Steinway nowadays nostalgic, but NOTHING like that experience as a kid. Blown away? Sure...and I didn't even know an alternate meaning of the phrase! Phew....