Favorite composer @ favorite work?

None of us, will ever get tired from, Mozart's "Jupiter", or Beethoven's "fifth"...but the one i am really "discovering" is Anton Bruckner! His, entire 4th, "Romantic" is my all-time favorite! How' bout you?
For you Bruckner fans, give a listen to Symphony #8, Vienna Philharmonic / Herbert von Karajan on Deutsche Grammophon.
For an great comparison to Tchaikovsky by an relative unknown, give Anton Arensky a listen. Arensky was a friend of Tchaikovsky and student of Rimsky-Korsakov. If you like chamber music, Arensky's Piano Trios are recorded by the Beaux Arts Trio are not to be missed.
Black Angels by George Crumb. Performed by Kronos Quartet. It's unlike anything I've ever heard. Very differnt.
Love Beethoven & Vivaldi but for a single work my own preference is Berlioz's Te Deum.
Tubegroover, also Greig's 1st piano concerto is excellent for 1st work. There are so many legendary performances of Tchaikovsky 1st it is hard to pick a best, but Martha Aggerich has several excellent recordings including recent pairing with Claudio Abbado.......I guess if Horrowitz/Toscanni were in stereo it would be finest performance to own.