Exercise music

Any recommendations on great music to exercise to? During the winter, I like to strap on the Walkman and pop in something funky for riding the stationary bike. Old faves include Motown, AWB, Was (Not Was.) I'm looking to update my library. Suggestions?
Anything Disco of course and Funkadelic like "Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing". Muzak is also fun when you "crank" it.
I'm more of a runner, but here goes :: Metallica: The Black Album (best of all time), 'S&M';Guns&Roses: 'Appetite for Destruction'*; The Offspring: 'Smash'; Pearl Jam: 'Ten'; The soundtrack to 'The Crow'; Neil Young: 'Freedom', 'Sleeps with Angels', AC/DC 'Back in Black' *. * On Oprah's recommended(approved) exercise music list.
Hi Michael: Here are two more specific suggestions. The soundtrack from "Breakfast at Tiffany's", music by Henry Mancini which is on RCA/BMG. Also the soundtrack to "Black Orpheus" which is also available from BMG club, or can be ordered at most shops. "Breakfast" is a short trip and "Orpheus" is a journey. You should get lost in both of them. My wife, the disco queen, isn't available right now for suggestions, but maybe later. Early Al Green is pretty hypnotic too.
Dekay -- What a mind you have! Recommending Funkadelic and Henry Mancini to exercise by! I am stretching my mental abilities to get a wrap around how those two entities can co-exist. But I'll take your word for it. Keep 'em coming!
Michael: I am currently involved in a pain management program that includes "self" physical therapy excercises at home as well as bio feedback exercises. This may twist my views somewhat, but maybe not - read on. My only experience with recreational exercise relates to long distance running when I was younger. I found that I gave my best efforts when I was relaxed, not tense. I accomplished this by placing myself (my mind) in a relaxing place while I ran (I imagined that I was at a small pond in Iowa that I used to fish at when I was a child). I have discovered that music is a great way to achieve this detachment to the physical abuse (or exercise) that your body is undergoing. It's not the beat of the music that does this for me, it's the ability to get "lost" in the music. Classical music is of course great for this purpose, my favorite lately is Rossini "Comic Overtures", but popular music can also do the trick. My wife is going to order "Black Orpheus" for me from her BMG account. I have not listened to it for 15 years. Regarding the Muzak plug. We once borrowed a Muzak setup from my cousins restaurant when I was in highschool and played it non stop through a a pair of Altec Voice of the Theatre speakers at a New Year's Eve party. The sound level made your eardrums click and I wasnt kidding, it was great and everyone was smiling. Totally mindless music.