Classical Audiophiles Rejoice!

The audio quality of recordings now available has recently made huge gains with various remastering techniques used by major labels to greatest recordings in their past catalog, and released at mid price! EMI "great recordings of century" uses ART (Abbey Rd tech.), DG uses original image bit processing, Sony uses SBM (superior bit mapping), RCA "living stereo" uses UV22 super CD encoding, DECCA "legends" uses 24bit/96khz digital transfers, etc etc. Even budget lines like Naxos have very good sound! For example I am now listening to Mahler 2nd Sym EMI label Klemperer/Schwarzkopf remastered using ART. I had original CD, and sound was average at best for 1963 recording. What a transformation now, huge gains in every dept.....much larger gain than a Gold CD gives to average recording. Mahler 2 on one CD, mid price, excellent sound quality, great performance with SCHWARZKOPF! Some of the RCA remasters from late 1950s are better than any recordings made today! Any other comments on this subject.......
That is a wonderful story. Only a conductor as great a Karajan would have enough sway with the Dutch to make such a demand.
Megasam, I should ask you the same question, since your system and music collection likely costs at lest 5 times what mine costs. Yes, I have another expensive hobby (for me, anyway). I like to ride dirtbikes and ATV's. I'm not rich like most of you are, and it's kind of not cool to point that out...
I certainly did not intend to suggest anything resembling a format war. Obviously each of the above formats has its advantages. I only wish that I could hear quality vinyl recordings. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of dealers in my area, and even fewer who carry any phono equipment. I have to wade through the ever deepening bog of home theater to find a few two-channel components. I am just glad that there are others on this website who enjoy "classical" as much as I do! I have begun (more than begun), however, to feel a certain weariness with the CD vs. vinyl battle into which every Audiogon thread seems to transform. Back to the original thread topic: does anyone know anything about the Collins label? I was at the Border's Outlet yesterday, and they just got in a shipment of Britten disks on this label. I didn't have any scratch with me, though, and didn't end up buying anything. How is the sound on these disks? And Carl, don't feel bad. I am anything but rich myself. Just obsessed.