METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!
Grumpy, tool gets my vote for best MTV videos with the dolls in the dark prison cell, the meat in the pipes, and the sinister lanky black leatherette jailkeeper.....totally cool. My sympathies to anyone who thinks the crap Metallica makes now is metal, they are a sad joke of their former selves, IMO nothing has ever surpassed their 1st album "kill em all".......that album was all destroying, regards Sam.
I liked Black Sabath when I was a kid, but outgrown. Is all metal kids stuff, or is there anything out there that isnt just silly macho posturing? I like some cuts from Praxis(Buckethead kills) and Bad Brains, but they are not pure metal.Whats really worth hearing that is intelligent but realmetal? Is that an oxymoron?
Last Christmas I was visiting a friend--amazingly, he is head of personnel of a hi-profile consultancy agency in Boston--who is obsessed by "black metal." Eventually, the ceremonical exchange of CDs ("give the gift of music") took place. I gave him some obscuro hard-to-find free jazz recording that I would probably enjoy more than he. He gave me a CD from the Norwegian band KVIKKSBLUGUTTENE called Krieg (Voices of Wonder, 1997). The band members--two thirds of whom are dead by now, I think--have the following names: "Necro," "Zathan," "Det skat du drite i." Some song titles are "Torture" "Anger" "More Murder" "Shout" "Sluts" "Violent Death" "Fisted Sisters" and "In den Arsch gefickt." The cover shows a black "urban guerilla" terrorist or mass murderer with a dismantled human hand in his mouth brandishing an automatic machine gun. My friend's words to me as he gave me this CD was that it "made Metallica look like a bunch of frat boys."
And nobody mentions the guys that started it all and yeah I'm familiar with the above choices (someone forgot Poison and Twisted Sister but then again they are forgotton as the rest of the above will be) but come on who could say that anyone of them is better the the 1st and last in this genre and probably the BEST ROCK BAND EVER.............................................................................LED ZEPPLIN RULES