METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!

Showing 2 responses by megasam

Ground zero for "heavy" metal is Black Sabbath "Paranoid" and the even heavier "Master of Reality" Metallica 1st two albums and Slayer 1st album started American "speed metal" movement, nothing made since then has surpased them. "kill em all" makes "master of puppets" sound like crap. It is a close call but two greatest metal albums are 1) Metallica 1st album "Kill em All" 2) Slayer 1st album "Show No Mercy" It is a joke compare those hair spray wanna-bes groups to the above albums. If you want to hear where Metallica and Slayer got their inspiration for 1st albums listen to Venom "Black Metal"
Grumpy, tool gets my vote for best MTV videos with the dolls in the dark prison cell, the meat in the pipes, and the sinister lanky black leatherette jailkeeper.....totally cool. My sympathies to anyone who thinks the crap Metallica makes now is metal, they are a sad joke of their former selves, IMO nothing has ever surpassed their 1st album "kill em all".......that album was all destroying, regards Sam.