Your auditioning music?

So I'm gearing up to purchase some new gear and curious what sort of music (digital or analogue) you use for auditioning. I'm looking at some integrated amps to mate with my system and while I have my favorite discs, I'm always curious what others use to audition. I listen to a variety of music, but guess I listen to more Jazz, rock (classic and indie), and folk/singer-songwriter. I'm also partial to guitar/strings.

I've been using these discs lately:

Grant Green: Green Street--an intimate, simple recording with nice
Manitas de Plata: Feria Gitana--very revealing for treble
Beck: Sea Change--own sacd & RB. Broad spectrum orchestral pop
Radiohead: Kid A--great for bass response, and quick dynamic changes
Enon: Hocus Pocus--great variety of acoustic, electric, and digital rock
Donald Byrd: At the Half Note Cafe--a nice live recording i know very well
Cat Stevens: Footsteps in the dark--remastered and seriously great sound
Michael Gordon: Weather--nice for strings but good for everything
Iron and WIne: Our Endless Numbered Days--another intimate recording
John Coltrane: Giant Steps--need I say more?
The Notwist: Neon Golden--have LP & CD, both give good dynamic conrasts
Parkening, Christopher & Brandon, David: Virtouso Duets--great guitars
The Roots: Things fall apart--nicely engineered and good for bottom end
The Rosenberg Trio: Live At The North Sea Jazz Festival--great live guitar
The Shins: Cutes too narrow--just fun
Shuggie Otis: Inspiration information--used for vinyl/cd comparison...lovely
Sufjan Stevens: Greetings From Michigan-The Great Lakes State

These all represent music I not only love, but I know well and have heard both in a variety of systems, and for the most part, have heard played live. Not sure how helpful this all will be, but also curious what people feel they HAVE to hear on something they'd buy

So what are you using and why?
Hey Viridian, that Pat Boone recording you give such a glowing testimonial to, wasn't that in the same series as Sinatra Sings Ted Nugent, Rap Classics by Bing Crosby, and Perry Como Sings Hip-Hop Hits? I've been looking for those too. I've got a lovely old LP of Anthony Perkins singing romantic ballads that I'll bet you'd like.
Blue Man Group
Flim and the BBs
Enya: Watermark (this is a toughy; very revealing of lower midrange resonances and deep bass extension)
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Viridian, mea culpa, I take it all back: I was sure you were putting us on with that Pat Boone "In a Metal Mood" record, but my God, you're not, it's not a joke, it ACTUALLY EXISTS! Positively scary! Ought to make a good party record when everyone has had too much to drink. He must be about a hundred years old (I remember he sang the title song to the movie "Friendly Persuasion" in 1956). What a hoot!