What are the characteristics quality recordings?

I've been pondering what differentiates a quality recording from one that is mediocre. To me, good recordings transmit a realism of performance, have clarity, and reproduce the dynamic range of the artist(s) and their instruments. Good recordings also allow the emotionality of the music to be felt, IMO. Mediocre recordings do not do all or parts of the above. I ask this question in order to broaden my understanding of reproduced music.

That leads to my two part question:

1. What do Audiogoners believe constitutes a good recording? That is, what are the sonic qualities of an excellent recording?

2. What are examples (specific CDs or records)of recordings that reflect your answer to #1?

I have ordered some of the music mentioned by Rushton and Slipnot & look forward to listening. Thanks!

I've observed something in recordings that appears to be related to compression in relation to Wildoat's question. My amp has a meter that reflects the input from the source, so I have a visual measurement of the CD input on each channel. An example of a not too compressed CD is the Dead Can Dance Spirit Chaser. The volume of the music on this CD is quite varied on each cut and the meter "needle" of two channels often move in unison, but often not in unison. The level of the input varies tremendously throughout most of the CD cuts, as does the volume. This seems to produce a solid emotional response. I also see this variance in the Dire Strait's Brothers in Arms, The Cowboy Junkies' Trinity Session, and even in Ysaye's Solo Violin Sonatas, where there is only one instrument. To me, these CDs don't sound as good on my car stereo as that of others, such as Sheryl Crow.

Sheryl Crow's "Very Best of.." CD on the other hand has very little meter variation, except at the beginning and at the end of each song. Indeed, both meter "needles" are pointed to the maximum throughout most of her songs. I tend to adjust the volume dial of my amp down with CD's such as this, and ironically, I find the music to be less pleasing at very high volume. Personally, I am not moved by her music, and this might have a relationship to the compressed and altered "mastering." On my car CD player, Sheryl Crow sounds good - lots of bass, good beat, and I generally don't expect much else.

From the perspective of compression alone, these seem to be examples of good versus not so good quality of recordings and of how this interact with our components.

Rannagarden, thanks for the explanation. I have never heard how it was done so I just assumed that it was similar to the the consumer CD-R burner process but with higher power laser, etc.