Spanish Guitar

My wife loves Spanish Guitar, but we know little about musicians in this genre. I'd like to add some of this music to our collection and learn more about the music itself. Does anyone have recommendations for good quality Spanish Guitar recordings and/or artists?
There is an XRCD by Gino D'Auri titled Flamenco Passion. The best recording of this type of guitar I've ever heard. It is one of the disks I use to evaluate systems. It will be used today to play with my new amp for sure! Find it, buy it, you'll love it!

Absolutely, positively, must listen to:

Strunz & Farah -- Primal Magic, and also, Americas

anything by Jesse Cook

If you haven't heard any of these, well, your in for a real treat! I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass with adjectives... just do yourself a favor and listen to these.
By "spanish guitar" do you mean flamenco, folk music, or the wealth of classical music for guitar by Spanish (and Latin American) composers? If the last, there's a wealth of material in the Naxos Guitar Series: every one is wonderful, and strongly recommended. A good place to start would be the discs by Jason Vieaux (also his discs of Ponce and Albeniz on Azica) but you can't go wrong with any of them.
Agree with Peaks, Jesse Cook "Vertigo" & "Free Fall" (A little more worldly)
You can add: (Mellower) Govi "Andalusion Nights", Armik "Romantic Dreams",
Chris Spheeris "Eros"
All of these are superb !
Agree with Darrenlite about Ottmar Liebert. Also try Gypsy Kings and Luis Villegas.