Your First Concert was.....

My first concert was Arlo Guthrie at the Shaffer (sic) Music Festival in Central Park, NYC. It cost 2 bucks and it was for his "Running Down the Road" album.
Boston.....Heart and Black Sabbath the fall of '76. Superb bands and shows. It was Boston and Heart's first US tour. Still kicking myself for not buying at least one t-shirt from that great concert! ;-)
Elton John, bicentennial tour '76. Tenth row center; didn't appreciate the great seats. I was only 12, what did I know!
Black Sabbath & Blue Oyster Colt in 1980 or so, I was so wasted, I still don't remeber much of it, LOL, Did bring home a drum stick though, still got it somewhere.
Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum in 1972. My parents took the whole family. Chinese food afterward.

The first I went to on my own was America. Poco opened for them. In Fayetteville, NC in 1975.