Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder

What was your favorite one hit wonder song, and who performed it? You can name one or a few.

I loved (and still do) "Voices Carry" performed by Till Tuesday.

C'mon. Put on your thinking caps.
"Band Of Gold" Freda Paine

I hate nit pickin' BUT Pilot was the pre-Alan Parsons Project guys w/o Alan. In fact these are the same guys that backed up Kate Bush.

Another neat note: Ed Stasium engineered the Pilot album. This is one guy to really check out. He's done hundreds (if not a few thousand albums) including the 1st Talking Heads, all the first era Ramones albums, the Mick Jagger solo album, the grammy winning Glady's Knight and the Pips records "Midnight Train To Georgia" and "Imagination", and, oh yeah, "Band Of Gold" by Freda Paine! And many, many, many more. I miss you Ed and best of luck.
How about a 1.5 hit wonder? Remember "The Shoop Shoop Song" by Betty Everett? She also did a version of "Let It Be Me" with Jerry Butler. That makes her the only one-and-a-half hit wonder I know of!
"Pass the Dutchie" -- Musical Youth

A TRUE one-hit wonder. Kansas??? Come on now...

I don't know if this is the correct title but how about "I'll stop the World" by Modern English.