Norah's new album,,FEB 9th. Can she do it again???

Anyone think Norah Jones is capable of dulpicating the success of her first album with her new album "Feels like home"? I heard that she has a song with Willie Nelson and another with Dolly Parton. I hope Norah doesn't go all country on us this time around. Oh well, we'll see.
My favorite Norah is her covers of "More Than This" by Bryan Ferry and "Day is Done" by Nick Drake on Charlie Hunter's "songs from the analog playground" Everything on her own gets a little pedestrian after awhile....
I concur with Zaikesman here. However, I do believe she is very talented and can only get better with age. After all: she is very young and her voice will surely mature.
did she write any of her original songs?
a singer is only as good as the songs they sing...
so unless she, or the record company has spent the time/money to find quality stuff, vs just running with the new hot name "norah jones"...
She co-writes on the occassional number but it's one of her band that writes the majority of the original stuff.
I don't think it matters Geoff the next record will sell off the back of the original anyway.

On a side note I bought the last Outkast CD this week-really quite impressive and musical-Norah Jones guests on this album on a more acoustic track.
Outkast are in the Rap/Rn'B field but this double CD has impressed me,not unlike the type of eclectic mix Prince did on Sign O'The Times.
Ecclectic, get better with age? Some do and some don't. I really loved the young Barbra Streisand, the freshness and power of her voice. Did she improve? I don't think so, just bigger production values in her recordings. I find much of her later stuff extremely boring. I agree with Zakes and you that the first album is not too great. I wanted to like it and tried but after struggling through the 3rd listening I gave up. Her voice is pleasant, it just doesn't hold my interest. I can think of numerous artists with great early albums that never held their promise with Whitney Houston at the very top.